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Dubai Chocolate : How to Easily Prepare This Middle Eastern Delicacy

Dubai Chocolat

Dubai Chocolate : How to Easily Prepare This Middle Eastern Delicacy…

There’s a chocolate that’s currently topping everything and is the most hyped chocolate treat at the moment. We’re talking about Dubai Chocolate. It has gone viral on social media and sparked a real craze. Here, I’ll share the recipe with you, as you can easily make it yourself.


How to make Dubai Chocolate:

  1. First, melt half of your chocolate. You can use dark or milk chocolate. A mixture of different chocolates is also delicious. Pour the melted chocolate into your mould and let it set in the refrigerator.
  2. Chop the kadayif finely. Heat the butter in a pan and toast the shredded phyllo until it’s nicely browned.
  3. Mix the crispy strands with the pistachio cream to create a thick, viscous mixture. Spread the filling evenly over the hardened chocolate and cover it with another layer of melted chocolate. Refrigerate again – and your luxurious Dubai chocolate is ready.


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