Chestnut Jam: Easy Autumn Recipe

Chestnut Jam

Chestnut Jam: Easy Autumn Recipe…

Chestnut jam, could I not try to make it? Absolutely not especially with the very good chestnuts that Lucia gave me as a gift collected directly from her and so off to try. Let’s face it, there is an abysmal difference with the one you buy (also because the one that is usually made of chestnuts) it is delicious and very delicate…the only problem is peeling the chestnuts that after a while really becomes a backbreaking job so if you want to try to make it…get a helper

Ingredients Chestnut Jam :

How to prepare Chestnut Jam:

  1. Wash the chestnuts well and make a cut as if you were going to make roasted chestnuts.
  2. Boil a pot of water and cook the cut chestnuts for about 40 minutes.
  3. Put the sugar and water in a small saucepan and melt it completely, turning well.
  4. Cook it for a few minutes until it starts to thicken and then turn off the heat.
  5. Put the chestnuts in the blender and puree them, add the sugar syrup and the inner seeds of the vanilla bean.
  6. Mix everything together and bake for about 40 minutes. (20 minutes from when it starts boiling again).
  7. Pour the chestnut jam into sterilized jars, close them and turn them upside down to create a vacuum.
  8. You can also cook chestnuts in milk if you like, and the chestnut jam will be even creamier.
  9. It will keep before you open the jar (and you managed to get the vacuum) out of the refrigerator otherwise in the refrigerator for 1 month.


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