Home made Milk Rice : Thick and Creamy!

Home made Milk Rice

Home made Milk Rice : Thick and Creamy!…

My comfort food par excellence milk rice is a very creamy, simple first course with all the taste of my childhood, especially when I was unwell, hunger was low and my mom loved to pamper me with simple and rich dishes . The passion for milk rice was passed on to me by my dad who loved it, on cold winter days and like him, and also like me, my youngest daughter asks for it very often. It really only takes very few ingredients that we all always have in the house to make a special first course , with popular origins, which always give us the most delicious and genuine recipes.

 Ingredients :

How to prepare Homemade Milk Rice:

  1. We heat the lightly salted milk on a pan, preferably nonstick or thick-bottomed. It is preferable to use whole milk, but there is nothing to prevent using semi-skimmed milk for a lighter, but less creamy dish.
  2. When the milk reaches the boiling point, we throw in the rice and stir until it comes to a boil again. We continue cooking, stirring occasionally over low heat until the rice is soft and creamy. If needed, we add a little hot milk.
  3. When the cooking is finished, we remove from the heat, add the butter and , only if you like, 40 g of grated cheese ( parmesan, for example) , and let it rest 5 minutes. We give it a vigorous stir and serve piping hot.

Bon Appétit!

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