Tips and tricks

5 reasons why you should eat chestnuts, preferably boiled!

5 reasons why you should eat chestnuts, preferably boiled!…

The chestnut is a dried fruit that is mainly eaten during the fall season. Without a doubt, chestnuts are one of those foods that we love so much and can be used in so many recipes both savory and sweet. For diabetics, they are a very recommended fruit and the dose is about 50 grams per day, or 5-6 chestnuts to benefit from its properties. It is best to consume them boiled! Consuming this daily amount in the seasonal period of this fruit, offers countless benefits, here are 5 benefits!

5 reasons why you should eat chestnuts, preferably boiled!

1. Ideal for diets

In addition to being healthy in their composition, chestnuts are a satisfying food due to their fiber and complex carbohydrate content and their low fat content (only 2%) compared to other types of nuts. Thus they are absorbed slowly and do not create glycemic spikes since they do not have many simple sugars. They can be included, without exaggeration, in slimming diets. Calorie intake varies greatly by the way they are cooked. In fact, for 100 grams of boiled chestnuts you have 120 Kcal, for roasted chestnuts 190 Kcal and finally 300 Kcal for dried chestnuts. Therefore, it would be advisable to consume them boiled since they are less caloric.

2. They strengthen teeth and bones

Chestnuts contain calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which help us keep our bone system and teeth in good condition.

3. They stimulate our nervous system

Its rich content of minerals and B vitamins makes chestnuts an ideal food to help our nervous system function properly. In fact, 100 g of chestnuts cover 26 percent of an adult’s vitamin B6 requirement. They also help prevent neurological disorders or diseases.

4. They can help people with diabetes

People with diabetes can benefit from eating chestnuts. This is because their carbohydrates are absorbed slowly and do not produce insulin spikes in the blood. It is recommended to consume a maximum of 5-6 chestnuts a day and not to overdo it.

5. Positive effect on the heart

Chestnuts have a cardioprotective effect. Like walnuts, chestnuts although they have a small percentage of fat compared to walnuts, they have very healthy fats, namely omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids, which are very important for the body. And like any other plant-based foods, they have no cholesterol.

Who can’t consume chestnuts?

There are no particular contraindications to the consumption of chestnuts for those without health problems, if consumed properly. Due to their high fiber content, they may not be recommended for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or gastrointestinal disorders. Instead, they are to be avoided in allergic individuals.

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Hi there! I'm Della, the culinary enthusiast and recipe creator behind Granny Tricks. Cooking has always been a significant part of my life, and I’m thrilled to share my kitchen adventures with you.

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