Snacks & Appetizers

Green smoothie, the detox drink to fill up on vitamins and minerals!

Green smoothie, the detox drink to fill up on vitamins and minerals!…

In summer, high temperatures cause us to lose a lot of fluids and consequently a lot of minerals. These are important because they give us the strength we need for the various daily activities to which we are called. But how can we replenish them naturally if we don’t want to buy food supplements? Easy, just create smoothies like the one I have prepared for you today: a total green smoothie!

Ingredients :

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 kiwi
  • 50g (2 oz or about 2 cups) lamb’s lettuce/mâche (also known as corn salad or field salad)
  • Plant-based milk, as needed
  • Ground cinnamon, to taste

How to prepare Green smoothie:

  1. In a blender put the valerian, banana (previously frozen in slices), kiwi cut in 2, cinnamon and a little bit of vegetable milk, finally blend everything at maximum power (if you don’t like the consistency and want your smoothie to be more liquid add more vegetable milk).
  2. Pour your smoothie inside a large glass.
  3. Enjoy it by sipping it through a straw and be intoxicated by all the micronutrients it contains!
Hi there! I'm Della, the culinary enthusiast and recipe creator behind Granny Tricks. Cooking has always been a significant part of my life, and I’m thrilled to share my kitchen adventures with you.

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