If you store salt in the fridge, it will quickly form lumps. Yet you can take advantage of this effect: lumps form when the salt absorbs excess moisture from inside the fridge. This is useful for preventing the formation of mold in the fridge, which can occur when too much condensation accumulates. To prevent foods like fruit and vegetables in the fridge from quickly wilting or molding, humidity must be kept low.

But how come there’s so much moisture in the fridge? Every time you open the refrigerator door, warm air enters. When it cools, condensation forms. The higher the outside temperature, the more condensation there is inside. So it’s important to think about what you need in the fridge before you open the door and quickly close it again.

In addition to its dehydrating effect, salt in the fridge also has another practical function: it can neutralize unpleasant odors.

Salt in the refrigerator: what is it for?

Here’s how to do it:

  • Place one or two tablespoons of salt in a small bowl.
  • Place it as close as possible to the vegetables, preferably directly in the crisper.

Tip: Change the salt in the fridge every three weeks or so to keep it effective.

As an alternative to salt, you can also use silica gel. These are small beads in sachets that are often included with many products to prevent them from becoming damp. It’s a good idea not to throw them away.

Other tips for using the fridge :

A bowl of salt in the fridge helps to prevent the formation of mould and unpleasant odours, and to keep fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. In addition, it’s important to pay attention to the following points to save electricity and keep your food fresh for as long as possible:

  • Correct refrigerator arrangement: When arranging your food, remember that the lower compartments are significantly cooler than the upper ones. We recommend putting meat, sausage and fish in the lower compartment and dairy products such as yoghurt or cheese in the middle compartment. Vegetables go in the crisper, eggs, butter and margarine in the door. In the upper compartment, you can store jams, preserves and ready-made meals.
  • Close the fridge door quickly: When you open the fridge door, make sure you close it quickly. As mentioned above, hot air enters the fridge when the door is open, forcing the appliance to run at full speed.
  • Appropriate location for the fridge: It’s a good idea not to place your fridge directly next to the stove or radiator. Otherwise, the appliance will be heated from the outside and will need much more electricity to cool down.

Tip: If you want to store ready-made meals in the fridge, make sure you let them cool down long enough beforehand.