Just a handful of salt on the couch is enough to get rid of something very annoying. Here you will learn what it is all about and why you should always do it.

It’s a place where you sit and relax every day, where bacteria and moisture take it by storm and take up residence. We are talking about the sofa, carefully selected furniture that is present in every home to provide maximum comfort to everyone. Obviously, this is a place that must be respected and continuously disinfected, as it comes into contact with germs and bacteria, as well as the classic domestic humidity that generates bad odors and mold. You also know that it is recommended to use salt every day: From today on, you will always do it.

Smelly and damp sofa, what are the causes?

Who does not want a clean-smelling sofa around the clock to relax, watch TV and receive friends? It’s no use walking around, we sit on the sofa with dirty socks and all kinds of clothes, while our four-legged friend sleeps. This place of relaxation, hospitality and fun must be continuously disinfected, precisely because germs and bacteria cannot wait to use it as their home. But that’s not all: moisture from the kitchen and bathroom penetrates the upholstery and the interior of the structure, creating areas suitable for mold growth.

It is important that the sofa is clean and disinfected, and that mold growth is counteracted by the particular smell that spreads throughout the house. Then, if there are children playing and animal friends sleeping and drooling, it is time to act immediately with a perfect mixture.

Salt on the sofa: why clean it every day like this?

Experts teach us to use natural remedies to get an exceptional mixture for the sofa. Salt is an ancient ingredient that has been preserved until today and is ideal for absorbing all the moisture from walls and fabrics. To this ingredient we add sodium bicarbonate, rich in disinfectant, antibacterial and also fragrant properties. Then, with a drop of essential oil, the fragrance is guaranteed to spread over the sofa and rooms. How to make. The ingredients for a perfect and natural mixture are:

  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 6 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 3 drops of essential oil of your favorite fragrance.
  • Mix well until you get a compact mass. Immediately after, put everything in the classic saltshaker and sprinkle the entire sofa generously and abundantly with this substance.

Coarse salt

Leave to act for at least two hours and at most overnight. The next morning, vacuum up the white substance: The end result is a disinfected, clean, moisture-free and very fragrant sofa. Advice. Repeat the process every week to achieve the goal and also use the mixture on the bedding of dogs and cats.