Every day the lifespan of our phones is shortening without us realizing it, partly due to the way we use them. This finally leads us to ask ourselves the following question, “Is it possible to charge the phone several times a day without affecting it? “. This is what we will discover in the following lines. If you have ever wondered what would happen if you regularly charge your phone 3-4 times a day, here is a beginning of the answer.

What happens if you charge your phone 3-4 times a day?

At the risk of surprising you, the answer is: nothing. On the contrary, to extend the life of lithium-ion batteries, it would be advisable to perform several short charging. Moreover, these batteries are not affected by frequent plugging and unplugging of the charging cable. Thus, it is possible to charge your smartphone as many times as you want during the day. Therefore, this practice should not worry you. Just remember that you don’t have to wait until the battery is 100% charged to unplug it. This is therefore an opportunity to remember the famous rule of 20% and 80%, which is to keep the charge of your device between these two percentages. Therefore, to get the most out of your phone, don’t wait until the battery shows less than 20% to charge it, and on the other hand, don’t let it charge to more than 80%. This will prolong its life.

What measures to improve the battery life of your phone?

To improve your smartphone’s battery life, you can apply these few tips:

  • Reduce the screen brightness

Maximum brightness is rarely needed unless you are outdoors, and the weather is sunny.  It is also advisable to reduce the brightness of the screen to significantly extend the life of your battery. You can also explore your phone’s settings by enabling the “adaptive brightness” feature.

  • Reduce the waiting time before your phone goes into sleep mode

If you forget to put your phone into sleep mode when you put it back in your pocket, sometimes you accidentally press buttons while walking, which leads to unnecessary power consumption. To prevent this, you can shorten the waiting time before the screen goes into sleep mode. To do this, go to “Settings” and then to “Screen” or “Display” and then to “Screen timeout”. You then have the choice between 10 minutes and 15 seconds, select the latter.

  • Adjust settings for power-hungry apps

Some apps on your phone remain functional even when you’re not using them, especially if you receive notifications regarding them, which ultimately affects your smartphone’s battery. To avoid this, go to the phone settings and then select the ones whose background activity you want to disable.

  • Use power saving mode

Power saving mode is a handy feature that automatically reduces screen resolution, screen brightness, processor speed and network usage in the background. This is especially useful if you can’t charge your phone in the foreseeable future. So go to the battery settings to enable the power saving mode.

On some phone models, there is also a feature that allows maximum power saving and should give you an estimate of battery life. Anyway, if maintaining your phone’s battery is still important, we will also remember that charging your phone frequently during the day will not affect the device in any way.